It only took one hard hat tour of Chip Conley’s new hotel (Hotel Vitale), and I was hooked. Of course, I was invited for the design, but the real takeaway was the narrative that came with it. From the reception desk to the spa, Chip described how the guests would feel...not what they would do, but how they would feel. Hotel Vitale was just one of many in the Joie de Vivre collection, and I could not wait to check out the rest, seeing each through the lens he gave me that first day. Chip and I became friends and I have shared his wisdom far and wide – from my staff at Dwell to design organizations who remain keenly interested in the foundation of his success. In 2018 he founded Modern Elder Academy. You don’t have to be an “elder” to be a part of the conversation about being a mentor and an intern at the same time...read Wisdom@Work to understand that concept. His insatiable curiosity coupled with his vision - which almost always results in disruption – is why you cannot miss our conversation next Monday!
Photo by Nina Dietzel