Perhaps the best that can be said of 2020 is that we have, indeed, been living in “interesting times.” Inarguably, the COVID 19 pandemic has had and continues to have a profound impact on nearly every aspect of life worldwide.
For over a decade, the Design Insights Forum, has helped shine a light on the way forward and drive discourse for myriad industries and institutions. This body of buyers and bellwethers has been at the forefront of trends and shifts in consumer attitudes and behaviors.
In 2020, a decade’s worth of longitudinal research has been delving into the COVID pandemic’s effect on daily life and the outlook for the future, short-term, permanent and potential positive outcomes of the pandemic.
In this year end post, we want to share key findings to help make sense of 2020 and identify the opportunities for new products, new markets, and new strategies for a, hopefully, happier, and more prosperous 2021.
Meanwhile, we will be moving forward with ongoing, timely, and actionable studies incorporating your input. You can reach us at info@mocaplussf.com
Positive Outcomes in a Post-COVID World
The COVID 19 pandemic is the ultimate disruptor. Only time will reveal its permanent impact on the way we live and work but companies must reimagine their business models today and remain agile for the foreseeable future. These are the important questions business and brands need to ask now… https://8a715b71-d782-4590-8844-d261d4c4086a.filesusr.com/ugd/300ace_2a8a5cf1b6d4466496adc07dc2d28a77.pdf
A Time of Uncertainty, A Time to Engage
Though the COVID pandemic and response continue to upend physical interaction between brands, businesses, and their customers, the need for and power of experiential marketing has never been greater. A time of uncertainty is the time for marketers to remain meaningfully engaged with customers. To this end, the MOCA+ Take Five Series examines current sentiment and behaviors among its Design Insights Forum and learned… https://8a715b71-d782-4590-8844-d261d4c4086a.filesusr.com/ugd/300ace_2a8a5cf1b6d4466496adc07dc2d28a77.pdf
“Are We There Yet?” Travel Transformed
Despite consumer reluctance to travel in the near term, there is plenty of pent-up demand for resuming leisure travel and activities. Consumers are thinking (dreaming!) about travel and leisure activities and are in planning mode, a critical phase of the “Customer Journey.” Here are ways the travel and hospitality industries can remain engaged near term and prepare for the long term… https://8a715b71-d782-4590-8844-d261d4c4086a.filesusr.com/ugd/300ace_2a8a5cf1b6d4466496adc07dc2d28a77.pdf